Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Racism, Class, And Gender Discrimination - 1316 Words

Social injustices are unfortunately still prevalent in today’s modern society. Racism has come a far way due to many social movements, however it still remains ingrained and institutionalized in various forms. Race is a cause of political and economic interest who stratified groups in order to gain more power. The government created social regulations to prevent social inequalities due to race, class, and gender to take place. Despite social regulations racism still is a part of out present day society. Article 34 by Christine Williams discussed discrimination in the forms of class, gender, and race to women in particular. Stratification leads to racial and gender discrimination in companies towards employees and customers. This is an analysis of discrimination in the workforce to colored woman as well as businesses discrimination to colored consumers. Reading Racism in Toyland describes the experiences and observations of a white woman while working at two different toy stor es. She talked about how in one of the toy stores the employees were diverse however the few whites working at the store were cashiers. They were put as cashiers because they’re the ones that interact with the customers the most therefore seen as the â€Å"face of the company†. The hire end toy store Williams worked at lacked diversity and the few colored employees that worked there were discriminated against. Williams noticed how the customers tended to be disrespectful to the colored cashiers, theShow MoreRelatedThe Psychology Of Women Class1361 Words   |  6 PagesIntersectionality was a term I was not familiar with until I enrolled in the Psychology of Women class. Intersectionality was a concept that I had a very difficult time grasping. As comprehension was dawning I would attempt to engage others in conversation on intersectionality and they too did not know what intersectionality was. 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